Trail Tales

What thru hiker doesn’t love to share stories of the good ole’ days?! We certainly do. This section of the blog is a collection of our true lifes tales from the trail.

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24-Hour Challenge: Our 100K day
Erin Schneider Erin Schneider

24-Hour Challenge: Our 100K day

Join us as we tackle the ultimate endurance test: a 24-hour hiking challenge! Read the story of us pushing to our limits while racing against the clock. Will we make it to the finish line?

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Dodging Fires
Pacific Crest Trail Guest User Pacific Crest Trail Guest User

Dodging Fires

Wildfire season had officially started in California. It was the last week of July, and we were a few days out from the half-way point of the PCT. While in Sierra City we heard mumblings that a large fire had just started over by a city named Chico about 100 miles west of us. This is indeed foreshadowing. Cue two days later as we are about ~22 miles from our next resupply point at Bucks Lake. We haven’t had cell service since we left town and every hiker we have passed as asked us for news on the fire.

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Hiker Vacation
Appalachian Trail Guest User Appalachian Trail Guest User

Hiker Vacation

As if planning a thru hike was not enough, our mom was rescheduling a 2020 family vacation. At the time, this sounded like a good idea. We would be getting off trail for a few days anyway for the graduation why not add some more days a give ourselves a nice respite from trail life? We couldn’t have been more wrong.

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Welcome to the Cult
Appalachian Trail Guest User Appalachian Trail Guest User

Welcome to the Cult

Two weeks into the AT and we had met dozens of hikers, some still solo and others that had formed trail families aka tramilies. Since we started the trail as duo, joining a tramily was something we had never even considered.

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I feel like a Thru Hiker
Appalachian Trail Guest User Appalachian Trail Guest User

I feel like a Thru Hiker

How many miles does it take before you can call yourself a thru hiker? So when does that switch flip? When are no longer a backpacker but instead a thru hiker? It is hard to pinpoint a time when suddenly that label fits while you are in it, but looking back it the memory is stark to when I could look myself in the mirror and know I am a thru hiker.

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